NASH, Paul Genesis: Twelve Woodcuts by Paul Nash with the First Chapter of Genesis in the Authorised Version. more info
NASH, Paul Places: 7 Prints From Woodblocks Designed and Engraved by Paul Nash. more info
NEURATH, Marie Railways Under London more info
NICHOLS, Robert Invocation: War Poems & Others more info
NOVICK, Peter The Holocaust and Collective Memory: The American Experience. more info
ORWELL, George: Michael Shelden Orwell: The Authorised Biography. more info
OVERY, Richard The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia. more info
PALMER, Samuel A Catalogue of the Etchings of Samuel Palmer with introduction and notes by R. G. Alexander more info
PALMER, Samuel The Life and Letters of Samuel Palmer, Painter and Etcher; written and edited by A. H. Palmer. more info
PARRY, Harold In memoriam: Harold Parry, Second Lieutenant, K.R.R.C. more info
PEAKE, Mervyn Autograph letter signed to his friend [Helene] Lanie Bruce more info
PEAKE, Mervyn Autograph letter signed to his friend [Helene] Lanie Bruce more info
Photographs by Edwin Smith with essays, commentaries & a checklist by Shawn Kholucy, Ian Mackenzie-Kerr, Alan Powers, Ge A view of the Cotswolds. more info
PIKE, Lionel Vaughan Williams and the Symphony. more info
PONGE, Francis: Illustrated by Jane Kennelly Florilegium: Faune et Flore, Ten extracts from La parti pris des choses. more info
RANKIN, Nicholas Telegram From Guernica: The Extraordinary Life of George Steer, War Correspondent. more info
RAYFIELD, Donald Stalin and his Hangmen. more info
RENNIE, Paul Design Festival of Britain 1951. more info